Chronological overview of the history of Coswig

approx. 3000 BC

People settled in the area that is today the town of Coswig as long ago as the Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age) and Neolithic (New Stone Age) periods.

Opferbecher (Fundort Coswig)
Cup as sacrificial offering, about 3,500 years old (found in Coswig)

approx. 1500 BC Numerous finds from the Bronze and Iron Ages bear witness to our area being very densely populated.
approx. 750 BC Migrating West Germanic tribes (Hermunduri) settle in our region (though only in low numbers) until AD 600.
around 600 Slavs settle in our part of ​​the Elbe Valley.
around 900

Otto the Illustrious sends his son Henry to fight the Slavs living in the Elbe valley. Henry I is victorious and thus brings Christianity and German customs into the Elbe Valley.

1013 Brockwitz is mentioned for the first time as “Brochotinacethla” in a deed of ownership by King Henry II at the cathedral chapter of Meissen.
1203 Kötitz is first mentioned, under the name “villa Chottenwiz”, as part of a gift by the Margrave Theodorich to Altzella Abbey.
1205 Sörnewitz is first mentioned in writing in a document about Sörnewitz’s obligation to pay interest to the canons of St. Afra.
1350 The first proven mention of Coswig, as Koczwicz, can be found in the fief records kept by Frederick the Strict.

The noble Karras family is mentioned for the first time in connection with Coswig.

Historische Ansicht der Karrasburg
Historical view of Karrasburg Castle

1451 First recorded mention of viticulture for Coswig.

The construction of the Old Church in Coswig is completed, made possible by a donation of 750 Rhenish guilder by Nikol von Karras. It is today considered one of the loveliest surviving Saxon village churches.

Alte Peter-Pauls-Kirche (2002)
The old church of St. Peter and St. Paul in Coswig (2002)

1500 First recorded evidence of beer being brewed in Coswig. A hard-won right. The “Meissen beer dispute” occupied the judiciary of the time for many years.
1557 The Karras family sell Coswig to the Prince Electors of Saxony to extend their hunting grounds. Prince Elector August uses Karrasburg Castle as a forester’s lodge.
1571 Brockwitz burns down to the ground leaving nothing but the church tower.
1595 The vineyard community now known as Neucoswig is first mentioned in the Coswig church records, in the following entry: “Talkenberg lives in the new village”.
1637 Coswig is set on fire by the Swedes. The plague engulfs more than a tenth of the population.

First mention of a foot ferry in Kötitz.

Kahnfaehre in Kötitz
From 1875, a vehicle ferry also crossed the Elbe in Kötitz.


Brockwitz Church is given its modern appearance. Now known as Brockwitz Baroque Church, it is still the village’s most famous landmark.


Retreating from his Russian campaign, Napoleon passes through Coswig in a horse-drawn sleigh. On 25 July of the following year, Napoleon travels through Coswig again on the way from Dresden to Mainz to visit his wife Marie Louise.


Until 1839: construction of the first long-distance German railway line from Dresden to Leipzig, passing through Coswig. Coswig Station is opened on 16 September 1838.


At the end of March, the Elbe floods Coswig almost completely. The highest flood ever measured at that time.


Mole population explodes in Brockwitz. For six whole years, a trapper is employed to deal with the pests.


Coswig’s first school officially opens.

1886 Phylloxera, vine pest, strikes the wine-growing areas in our region.

Emil Nacke builds the first motorcar in Saxony. The following year, he starts production under the name COSWIGA.

35 H.P. Nacke-Doppel-Phaeton
35 H.P. Nacke Double Phaeton


The construction of the new Church of St. Peter and St. Paul is completed.

Die neue Peter-Pauls-Kirche in Coswig
The new church of St. Peter and St. Paul in Coswig (2008)


Kaiser Wilhelm II and King Friedrich August of Saxony meet in Coswig for a military manoeuvre.


On 1 March, Neucoswig is incorporated into Coswig


The Catholic parish of Coswig is given its own church.


Connection to the tram route to Dresden

Straßenbahn vor dem Coswiger Rathaus
Historical tram in front of Coswig Town Hall


A Zeppelin, popularly known as a “flying cigar”, crosses Coswig for the May Day celebrations.


On 1 April, the municipality of Kötitz is united with Coswig.


On 21 September Coswig receives its town charter.

Stadtwappen Coswig
The Coswig municipal coat of arms


On 1 July, the villages of Brockwitz and Sörnewitz are incorporated into Coswig through an administrative reform.


Start of construction work on the “Am Spitzgrund” residential estate.


In January construction starts on the Dresdner Strasse residential estate.


On 29 September, the town-twinning agreement between Ravensburg and Coswig is signed.

Blaserturm Panorama (Stadt Ravensburg)
Blaserturm Panorama (Ravensburg)

Partner towns


After being closed for 12 years, Coswig Museum opens in Karrasburg.


On 1 April, Coswig is named the District Town.
500-year anniversary of Coswig’s Old Church


Coswig and the Czech town of Lovosice sign a town-twinning agreement.

Partner towns


On 1 April, the newly built Coswig town hall is officially opened.


Large parts of Coswig are severely affected by the catastrophic August floods.

Die Niederseite in Brockwitz während der Flut 2002
The street of Niederseite in Brockwitz during the 2002 floods


Celebrations marking the 800th anniversary of the first recorded mention of Kötitz.

800 Jahre Kötitz


Only two years later, Sörnewitz celebrates its 800th anniversary.

800-Jahr-Feier Sörnewitz

2008 Start of the urban redevelopment in the Dresdner Strasse residential
2013 Our town once again falls victim to a “hundred-year flood”. Because of the flooding, the millennial celebrations planned in Brockwitz are cancelled at short notice; they take place a year later.